Methodology of HE Higher Education Ranking


According to the methodology for HE Higher Education Ranking, the ranking aims to raise the level of operation of higher education institutions according to a number of criteria, each of which includes Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that reflect the general level of operation of higher education institutions.

HE Higher Education Ranking is an annual institutional ranking  that includes 1,000 higher education institutions around the world. The ranking is issued annually on December of each year.

As for 2023, the first issue of the ranking will be published in April, and the following issues will be published in December of every year.

What are the higher education institutions to be included in the ranking:
1- Universities
2- Higher Education Institutions
3- Academies and research educational institutions
4- Scientific research institutes

What are the institutions that are not included in the ranking:
1- Vocational institutes
2- Training centers
3- Technical education centers
4- Pre-university education institutions

What is the importance of ranking?
1- A tool for measuring the level of performance and progress of higher education institutions around the world on an annual basis, according to clear and specific Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that work to develop higher education institutions in the scientific, research, and social fields.
2- A tool for measuring the level of international academic competitiveness in the higher education sector around the world.
3- A reference tool that reflects the level of the cultural and social impact of higher education institutions on their local communities, their community initiatives, and their regional and international influence.
4- An important tool that reflects the role of higher education institutions in achieving social and human justice and equality and achieving fairness and equality regardless of race, gender, color, or origin.
5- An important tool that explains the role of higher education institutions in the productive force of the labor market and its impact on achieving, providing, and creating job opportunities for its graduates.
6- An important tool that reflects the level and rates of transparency and academic freedom for educational institutions.
7- An important tool for measuring the levels of social sustainability of higher education institutions.
8- Parents can know the level of the higher education institution at the general level and compare it with other regional educational institutions.
9- Help students know the level of luxury offered to them.
10- A tool that measures the level of adherence of higher education institutions to the standards and recommendations of the United Nations to achieve the goals of access and achieve comprehensive international development.
11- A tool for measuring the level of governance applied in higher education institutions.
12- A tool that enables governments, countries, and decision-makers to know the impact of higher education institutions at the local, regional and international levels.
13- A tool that enables funding bodies and agencies to know and determine the spending mechanism of higher education institutions, financial governance models, and grants and financial aids provided to their students.
14- A tool that enables stakeholders to determine the level of influence of higher education institutions and their social and regional role.

What general areas does the ranking covers?
1- Management of higher education institutions.
2- The impact of the overall educational process.
3- Scientific research.
4- Internationalization.
5- The university’s relationship with society and the labor market.

Methodology of HE Higher Education Ranking:
The methodology for ranking higher education institutions is characterized by its general inclusiveness for the purpose of developing the educational institution according to a number of various Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to achieve a final result represented in the development of higher education institutions and their achievement of added value that can be developed, measured and improved on an annual basis.

General criteria for the ranking of higher education institutions:
HE Higher Education Ranking includes 25 general criteria and standards, each of which has its own weight and percentage.

Each criterion is followed by a number of performance indicators whose number, weight and impact are commensurate with the weight of the general criterion.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) used in the ranking of higher education institutions:
HE Higher Education Ranking includes 177 measurable and calculable performance indicators distributed over the 25 criteria included in the ranking.

The basic principles of ranking methodology:
Each of the 25 criteria gets its own percentage. The total percentage is 100%. The percentage is multiplied by 100, and the general result is 10,000 points. Each criterion and performance indicator gets a specific number of points, and the total value of points obtained by higher education institutions is collected.
The university that gets more points is the university that gets a higher ranking. For this reason, the ranking is based on measuring the university’s level of performance at all levels according to 25 criteria and 177 performance indicators, and thus, ensures the development and improvement of the university and its achievement of added value.
We advise higher education institutions to work on developing their operation in all ranking criteria, thus obtaining a higher percentage of points and thus advancing in the ranking.

The criteria and performance indicators used in the ranking are characterized by the following:
1- Comprehensiveness: Comprehensive covering all areas and prospects for improving higher education institutions
2- Stability: Stable, providing clear results and not leading to anomalies in results and values.
3- Balance: The size of each criterion has been calculated in a fair way that leads to real, logical and fair improvement for higher education institutions.
4- Logical: They are logical, not imaginary, standards that higher education institutions can achieve.
5- Fair: characterized by fairness and can be applied by all institutions of higher education around the world.

The Mechanism for inclusion of higher education institutions to the ranking:
An invitation is sent to higher education institutions to participate in the ranking in September of each year, and higher education institutions have a specific period to fill out the questionnaire.
The results of the values of the questionnaires sent to institutions of higher education are calculated according to the weight assigned to each criterion.
The results of the ranking are published in December of each year.
After the results of the ranking are published, a detailed report is sent to each university that includes the results of the criteria and performance indicators provided by each university. The report includes recommendations for these institutions that they can follow on to improve their ranking.

Criteria and weight for each criterion presented in the ranking:



Value percentage











Student Success, and Graduation



Faculty & Staff



Funding, Finance, and Grants



Facilities & Resources, and management



Social, and Cultural Impact of the university



Quality Assurance, Accreditation, and Networking



Equity, equality, Diversity, and inclusion



Foreign Language, and Linguistic Impact



UN SGDs, and 2030 Agenda.



Labor Market



Recreation, support and entertainment



Information Technology, and computer equipment’s



Lifelong learning



Data Management



Admissions & Enrollments






Academic Freedom



Support of distance learning



Innovation and creativity



Sustainability and management



Academic Transparency



Futuristic Concept of the university


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to each criteria

First criteria – Research – 9%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of journals of the HEIs.
  • The number of published papers during the last year.
  • The number of published papers during the last 5 years.
  • The number of results of the domain of the HEI on google scholar.
  • The number of winners of international awards.
  • The total number of patents granted (national and international).
  • The total number of patents pending (national and international).
  • Total number of IPRs other than patents/copyrights (including original writings).
  • The number of books and periodicals available at the library/libraries of the university for every 1000 students.
  • The number of research centers affiliated with the university.
  • The number of international conferences held by the university in the last year.
  • The number of international conferences held by the university in the last 5 years.
  • The number of participations of young researchers in international conferences.
  • The number of co-editorships in international journals.
    The total number of staff in joint research projects.
  • The number of researchers at the university.
  • The number of original books authored by the university academic staff, or publishing houses affiliated or connected with the university.
  • The number of book chapters published by the academic staff of the university.

Second criteria – Internationalization – 8%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The ratio of international faculty members/total faculty members.
  • The ratio of international students /total number of students.
  • The number of professors who have spent at least 1 semester abroad in the last 5 years.
  • The proportion of professors who have spent at least 1 semester abroad relative to the total number of professors at the university.
  • The number of professors with international professional experience outside the HEI.
  • The proportion of professors with international professional experience outside the HEI relative to the total number of professors.
  • The proportion of young researchers who gained at least one university degree abroad (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.) relative to the total number of researchers.
  • The number of international benchmarking initiatives that the university is a member of.
  • The number of active partnerships of the university in the last 3 years.
  • The number of international research projects with international cooperation partners.
  • The number of international conferences held by the university last year.
  • The number of international conferences held by the university in the last 5 years.
  • The proportion of international students with non-local education.

Third criteria – Teaching – 5%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of graduates with joint or double/multiple degrees.
  • General Student attendance rate at theoretical programs.
  • General Student attendance rate at practical programs.
  • All information related to the teaching plan, classes, exam tables, and workload are publically available (yes – no).
  • Passing Rate for National Licenses, Colloquium Test, or Exams (e.g. Nursing, pharmacy, Law, Medicine, etc.).
  • The Number of new executive programs during the last 5 years.
  • The number of new professional development programs/short courses.
    The number of Ph.D. and master programs offered by the university.

Fourth criteria – Student Success, and Graduation – 5%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • Graduation Rates at the university.
  • The ratio of students female/male.
  • The level of trust of graduates of the university with their academic study.
  • The level of trust of students of the university with the services provided at the university.
  • The level of knowledge transfer from holders to receptionists.
  • The number of incoming international exchange students.
  • Number of outgoing exchange students.
  • The number of students in joint or double/multiple degree programs.
  • The number of students enrolled in special academic courses at the summer university and its proportion relative to the total number of students.
  • Students’ registration and examination details and information data are protected and saved (yes – no).
  • Is Cross-national mobility of students in higher education available for students of the university? (yes – no).

Fifth criteria – Faculty & Staff – 5%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The ratio of Part-Time vs. Full-Time Faculty.
  • The ratio of students/faculty members.
  • The level of satisfaction of faculty members of the HEI for the management of the university.
  • The number of professors who gained their doctoral degree abroad.
  • The proportion of professors who gained their doctoral degree abroad relative to the total number of professors.
  • The total number of young researchers who have gained at least one university degree abroad (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.).
  • The proportion of non-academic staff/ administrative staff who have taken part in internationally-oriented further training programs.
  • The number of employees with international experience (minimum 3 months).
  • The number of researchers who are involved in international research projects.
  • The number of lecturers who gained their doctoral degree abroad.
  • Academic Staff younger than 35 years old.
  • Non-academic staff younger than 35 years old.
  • Academic staff older than 65 years old.
  • Non-academic staff older than 65 years old.
  • Percentage of Staff with Advanced Certifications/Degree.

Sixth criteria – Funding, Finance, and Grants – 5%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The ratio of Income from other sources/ to income from fees.
  • The proportion of the University’s budget for international cooperation, MoUs, and international relations.
  • Procured third-party funding from international sponsors every year.
  • Amount of procured third-party funding every year.
  • Budget for international research cooperation and scholarship funds.
  • Budget for international higher education marketing.
  • Budget for international higher education marketing in relation to the total budget.
  • The proportion of Research Grants and Contracts Awarded Per Proportion of Academic Staff Costs.
  • The total sum of Funding for Public Services Initiatives.
  • Expenditure of the university on R&D activities / total expenditure of the university.
  • The total sum of scholarship funds offered by the university.

Seventh criteria – Facilities & Resources, and management– 5%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • Student number/class.
  • The number of Stakeholder engagement meetings every year.
  • The number of libraries for every 1000 students.
  • The number of libraries at the university.
  • The number of e-libraries at the university.
  • How many campuses does the university have? Is it a multi-campuses university?

Eighth criteria – Social, and Cultural Impact of the university– 5%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • Number of cultural activities of the HEIs during the last year.
  • Number of cultural activities of the HEIs during the last 5 years.
  • The number of transparent activities and activities of the university.
  • The level of trust in services provided by the university.
  • The level of participation of the HEI for the local authorities.
  • The number of professors with a migrant background.
  • The proportion of professors from a migrant background relative to the total number of professors.
  • Lectures on intercultural learning (yes – no).
  • Information on countries/cultures/societies.
  • Percentage of Alumni Engagement in the academic activities of the university.

Ninth criteria – Quality Assurance, Accreditation, and Networking– 5%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of accredited programs/ total programs in the university.
  • The university is locally accredited (yes – no).
  • The number of academic programs offered at the university.
  • The number of programs that had accreditation from an accreditation agency that is a member of (ENQA – INQAAHE – CEENQA – Regional accreditation agency in the USA).
  • The university has institutional accreditation (yes – no).
  • The Number of MoU signed by the HEI during the last 5 years.
  • The number of international academic bodies that the HEIs is a member of.
  • The number of International networks in which, the university is a member of.
  • The number of active membership in international specialized networks and associations (e.g. BWL: AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS).
  • The university, or any of its faculties, centered, or colleges, is ISO 21001, or ISO 9001 certified (yes – no).

Tenth criteria – Equity, equality, Diversity, and inclusion – 5%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The ratio of female faculty members/total faculty members.
  • The number of infrastructures available for students with special needs.
  • The university has a policy of providing equal opportunities for male and female staff (yes – no).
  • The university has a policy for Equity and equality (yes – no).
  • Are there appropriate processes, procedures, and tools to support the necessary accommodations for constituents with disabilities?

Eleventh criteria – Foreign Language, and Linguistic Impact– 4%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of programs taught in foreign languages.
  • The number of employees with foreign language skills as a precondition for employment.
  • The proportion of lecturers who teach technical disciplines in a foreign language (e.g. engineering taught in English) relative to the total number of lecturers.
  • The website of the university is available in more than one language.
  • The proportion of courses taught in a foreign language to the total course offers.
  • The number of foreign language programs offered at the HEI.

Twelfth criteria – UN SGDs, and 2030 Agenda– 4%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of sustainable development initiatives at the university.
  • The number of environmental development initiatives at the university.
  • Application of the HEI for the UN Goals of Development.

Thirteenth criteria – Labor Market– 4%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The ratio of employment of the HEIs to the total number of graduates within 18 months.
  • The level of trust of labor market owners of the products of the university.
  • Labor market surveys are available at the university (yes – no).
  • Number of labor market orientation meetings during the last year.
  • The number of gatherings with labor market owners, company owners, and stakeholders of the labor market during the last 5 years.
  • Internationally-oriented Career Center (yes – no).
  • Is there information about the professional development of the graduates? (yes – no).

Fourteenth criteria – Recreation, support, and entertainment– 4%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of recreational and sports facilities available for every 1,000 students in the university.
  • The number of football fields, stadiums, entertainment halls, virtual reality, and entertainment gatherings.
  • Student Participation Rate in Intramural Athletics or Sports Clubs.

Fifteenth criteria – Information Technology, and computer equipments – 4%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of technological development initiatives of the HEIs during the last year.
  • The number of technological development initiatives of the HEIs during the last 5 years.
  • The number of ICT centers at the university.
  • The number of Software Licenses.

Sixteenth criteria – Lifelong learning– 4%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • Does the HEI have a policy or a plan to be Adaptive to change?
  • Does the HEI have a policy or a plan to be Adaptive to crisis management?
  • Availability of implementation risks initiatives of the HEIs.
  • The ratio of the number of every 1000 students to the population of the city/area where the university is located.
  • The university is active in political and civic engagement.
  • The university is active in engagement with diverse views on civic and political issues.
  • The university is active in learning opportunities outside of formal education.
  • The university is active in informal learning experiences.

Seventeenth criteria – Data Management– 3%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • Percentage of availability of strategies, resolutions, guidelines/ total number of policies of HEI.
  • University data are protected and saved physically and virtually (yes – no).
  • University data are secured and are easily retrieved in case of emergency (yes – no).
  • The number of Online Databases.

Eighteenth criteria – Admissions & Enrollments – 2%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • Acceptance Rates at the university.
  • The ratio of Ph.D. students /total number of students.
  • The ratio of master students /total number of students.
  • Drop-out rates for first-year students.
  • General Drop-out rates at the university.

Nineteenth criteria – Media– 2%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The university is active on social media platforms.
  • The university has a YouTube channel/channels.
  • The university is active on LinkedIn.
  • The university is publishing its activities periodically on Facebook.
  • The university is updating information on its website.

Twentieth criteria – Academic Freedom– 2%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • Are there any training resources available for students related to free Speech (yes – no)?
  • The number of initiatives launched by the university to promote academic freedom during the past five years.

Twenty-first criteria – Support of distance learning– 2%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of total distance learning programs offered by the university.
  • The university is prepared for online education (yes – no).
  • The university has a platform to support online education (yes – no).

Twenty-Second criteria – Innovation and creativity– 2%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The number of Innovative initiatives of the HEIs during the last year.
  • The number of Innovative initiatives of the HEIs during the last 5 years.
  • The university has the policy to support talented students (rewards – financial aid, etc).

Twenty-Third criteria – Sustainability and management– 2%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The university has certain procedures for good governance.
  • The university has certain procedures for decision-making.
  • The university follows democratic models in governance.
  • Decisions of the university are councils-made decisions.

Twenty-Fourth criteria – Academic Transparency– 2%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The university discloses a listing of the actual instructional materials and activities it had used during the academic year on a publicly accessible portion of its website.
  • The university has policies and procedures to keep politics, radicalism, and racism out of classrooms.

Twenty-Fifth criteria – Futuristic Concept of the university– 2%:

Includes the following KPIs:

  • The university has a five-year plan for its operation.
  • The university sets plans for the inclusion of its graduates in the faculty members of the university.
  • The portion of investment of the university in futuristic, and modern technology (like Metaverse, AI, and other technologies).